Injectable Solution
Tolfenamic acid 8 g, excipients q.s. ad 100 mL.
Non steroid antinflammatory of the latest generation. It belongs to phenamates and has antinflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. It inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX2) and the synthesis of prostaglandins (and tromboxanes), mediators of inflammation. Concomitant treatment for infectious processes (highly acute mastitis, sindrome MMA, broncho-pulmonary processes among other), endotoxic shock in bovines and ovines; osteoarticular and postparturition problems (paraplegia, traumatisms).
Dosage y administration:
I. M. route: 1 mL/40 kg (2 mg/kg) with 48 hours action in ruminants. I. V. route: 1 mL-20 Kg.
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